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Fundraiser for Students in Ghana

We collaborated with Arlokea to raise $512 CAD  to be used to buy 12 Desks and 16 textbooks for students in need. This will help to reduce the barriers students face while attending school. 

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About the School

​The school:  A.M.E ZION BASIC ​

Number of Students: 110

Date founded: 2015

Number of classrooms: 8

Number of teachers: 13

Government school: Yes

Location: Abeadze Odumase, Ghana.


The Need

Speaking to John Bosco who is a teacher at A. M. E. Zion Basic, the subject that students struggle with the most is English. These students cannot afford to purchase classroom materials for most classes, with English being the major pain point. John mentioned that supporting students to purchase English textbooks will lead to improvement in academic performance. Current class grades are averaging 50%. 

Secondly, class capacities are limited and the school does not have adequate furniture to accommodate enough students in the classroom. By providing them with furniture, students will be comfortable in the classrooms. Currently, there are classrooms where 3 students share a desk. This is quite uncomfortable for students. Due to this issue, the school has asked that before students enroll in school they make a one time purchase of a desk. Meanwhile, most of these students cannot even afford to purchase textbooks. 

In John's own words, "Providing textbooks and furniture will make teaching and learning to become easy for both learners and teachers part. Textbooks will also motivate the learners to learn well since they have them as a guide."


When you make a purchase on from now till July 25th, 20% of the proceeds go directly to purchasing desks and textbooks for the A.M.E ZION BASIC SCHOOL LOCATED IN ODUMASE, GHANA. Your support goes a long way! You can help contribute this cause by clicking this button below.

Past Success: 2021 Give Back Campagin

In 2021, Arlokea raised $560 to supply school kits to 100 children and 30 teachers at St.  Michael's & All Angels Anglican Primary School in Komenda, Ghana.


The donation of school kits was able to:


  • Reduce absenteeism in school, as students no longer have the excuse of missing classes due to a lack of school materials.

  • Reduce the burden of purchasing school materials from parents. 

  • Enhance reading abilities as students have their own reading materials to use at home. 

Join us in doing good by donating to students in need of desks and textbooks.

About Arlokea

Arlokea uses ethical fashion as a means to tackle social issues surrounding health, education, and poverty. Every time you purchase with Arlokea, not only do you get an ethically-sourced product that you will love, you are also making a commitment to support people working to make a change in their communities.

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